The modern cosmetic technique - lifting around the eyes - is a great way to eliminate the first signs of aging. After all, the delicate and thin skin in this area is susceptible to stretching and wrinkles sooner than in other areas of the face. Plastic surgery on the skin around the eyes is a rather risky business, so most women prefer to use creams and other cosmetics. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is not always at the correct level. It is in such situations that the lifting of the skin around the eyes comes to the aid of female beauty and youth.
The best methods to lift the skin around the eyes
The lifting of the skin around the eyes is divided into several subtypes:
- operative (full-fledged surgical tightening);
- non-surgical (injection, thread and hardware methods);
- home.
In the event that alternative lifting procedures for the skin around the eyes are ineffective, a woman may be recommended to have blepharoplasty, an operative eyelid lift. This effect on the skin helps get rid of droopy eyelids, wrinkles and swelling around the eyes. Blepharoplasty makes the appearance more open and youthful. At the same time, surgery is considered the most serious cosmetic procedure and therefore has a number of contraindications:
- blood disorder, bleeding problems, low hemoglobin values;
- the tendency of the skin to form scars or keloids.
- oncological diseases;
- inflammatory or infectious diseases;
- chronic eye diseases;
- pathology of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system.
Attention! Before the procedure, the patient must undergo a thorough examination to detect possible contraindications.
The operation is performed in a hospital with the use of general anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient is usually under medical supervision for about 3 days. The rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty can be several weeks or several months (depending on the individual characteristics of the body and skin of a particular patient).
Distinguish between upper and lower blepharoplasty. Upper blepharoplasty consists of making an incision in the upper eyelid. In this case, the excess fat and muscle tissue is removed. This procedure allows you to eliminate the effect of hanging eyelids. Lower blepharoplasty is performed by making an incision under the lower eyelid, a few mm below the growth of the eyelashes. This approach helps to get rid of bags and wrinkles under the eyes.
This is interesting. Laser blepharoplasty can be used as an alternative method. This skin rejuvenation method is used when it is not necessary to remove excess skin, but only to eliminate excess fatty tissue. This procedure leaves no scars as the operation is performed through small punctures in the skin.
You can learn more about operational eye lift from the video:

Rf eye lifting - a complex of cosmetic procedures based on the influence of electromagnetic pulses.
The firmness and elasticity of the skin directly depend on the amount of natural collagen produced by the body. Over time its production decreases and the skin becomes less young and taut. An electromagnetic pulse lift will help solve these problems.
Immediately before lifting, the specialist cleans the area around the eyes. Subsequently, a special contact agent is applied to this area. The final stage is the impact of the manipulator, which evenly heats the skin in the right places (the temperature is about 42 degrees Celsius).
Important! Before the procedure, the patient should visit a dermacosmetologist and make sure that there are no possible side reactions of the body to the lifting procedure around the eyes.
Home lifting
The lifting of the eye contour can also be performed at home. This approach will help eliminate emerging wrinkles and eliminate swelling caused by fatigue and lack of sleep. In addition, the skin care procedure around the eyes will be an excellent prevention of the aging of the dermis in this delicate area. The main methods of home firming are considered to be the use of creams, serums, lifting masks, as well as performing a special massage.

Creams are, of course, considered the leaders in the fight against age-related changes in the skin around the eyes. When choosing it, it's worth considering a few tips:
- The product should perform complex tasks: moisturize, nourish the skin and also activate intracellular processes.
- The cream should be chosen taking into account the age characteristics of the dermis.
- The lifting cream should contain vitamins, herbal extracts, coenzymes, hyaluronic acid and other elements useful for the skin.
Important! The cream must not contain aggressive substances (parabens, various allergens, etc. )
After using creams with a lifting effect, the skin around the eyes becomes noticeably tighter, smoother and more elastic.
Additional cosmetic products with a lifting effect are serums and masks.
Attention! The serums have a very "powerful" composition. For this reason, you shouldn't choose a complex product - it's best to stick with a serum designed specifically for the eye area.
Creams and masks can be bought in stores and pharmacies, or you can make your own at home. Essential and base oils, dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables are considered popular ingredients that provide a lifting effect.
Choose a method according to your age

The choice of a specific type of lift directly depends on the age category of the woman. So, you can resort to lifting creams from bags under the eyes at both 30 and 40 years. A mirror will be an adviser in this matter: if insidious wrinkles are under the eyes and the swelling does not pass, it is time to use such a remedy.
Hardware RF Lift is often recommended for women over 40. At this age, lifting the skin around the eyes is very important, as it helps stop the emerging signs of aging.
Very often women, mostly of mature age, decide to undergo lifting operations. Often, skin changes during this period are very noticeable and it is almost impossible to correct them with alternative cosmetic methods. In any case, an expert in the field of cosmetology should give an objective assessment of the condition of the skin and recommend this or that type of lifting around the eyes.
The lifting of the eye contour is a modern effective rejuvenation technique. With this procedure, you can make the "mirrors of the soul" more expressive, and the face itself is much younger. The benefits of such a facelift have been appreciated by many women around the world.